Struggling to climb up that employment ladder? Here’s some advice to make the challenge a little easier…
So you’ve been in your current role a while, and the inevitable happens – you feel like you’ve faced all the professional challenges you can in that position. It’s all well and good – but getting to the next change can be tricky, especially in the current market where there are more limited roles available and higher competition. Yet – there are always ways in which you can sell yourself and prove you’re ready for that new job title… and of course that all important pay rise.
Communication is key. Often the reason people are overlooked for a promotion is because their boss genuinely had no idea they were interested! You may think you are giving off the signs you’re keen to move up but your manager is busy, and might not understand your hints – so avoid any chance for confusion and let them know! Book time in their diary where you can chat one on one, and come armed with reasons you think you’re suitable, even if they may think it’s not quite your time they can give you feedback you’re able to work on, and ensure next time you’re not passed up on.
Seek professional help. My relationship with my clients doesn’t just end after one job search, I pride myself on my ongoing support. With so much fashion recruitment in the North West, from eCommerce jobs in Manchester, as well as design and buying opportunities, I can take you from that entry level fashion job and beyond. By gaining the insight of a recruiter, they can give you insight into what the best next career step should be. Could you side step into a new role with better prospects and a pay rise? Is there a reason why you aren’t able to move up in your current position? Professionals are able to give that unbiased advice you may not get from friends and family.
Service with a smile. Sometimes it can be hard to stay positive when you feel stuck in an employment rut, but it’s vital to do so to ensure your enthusiasm isn’t waining. Atmosphere in the office is so important, especially when a smaller environment – so be that ray of sunshine everyone wants to have around, your employer will be less likely to let someone slip away if they spark joy for the whole team.
Teamwork teamwork teamwork! Whilst prioritising yourself at work is important, you also need to show you can excel as a part of a team, especially when there’s a chance you could be managing some of them. Be not only a motivational figurehead, but also a cheerleader for your colleagues, dedication like that won’t go unnoticed by superiors.
Stay professional. Ah, the age old debate of office politics – and that faint line of professional to unprofessional. The debate of coworkers vs friends is one which seems to be eternal, but show you’ve got to grips with it by staying out of the gossip. By all means socialise with your colleagues at lunch and at work events – just don’t let yourself be the one at the centre of the conversation after one too many work drinks, especially if your boss is there…
Fake it ’til you make it. The best way to prove you’re ready for that promotion is to inadvertently take on the role! Look at the job description and what qualities it entails, then use your initiative to adapt some of these attributes, standing you in good stead to make the opportunity yours. But don’t abandon your day-to-day tasks. Whilst it’s important to demonstrate you’re ready to go above and beyond, it’s not good to forget your current role. You need to be able to do both.
Bring solutions, not problems. We all know that in the world of work, things don’t always run smoothly. It’s important to be aware that mistakes can and will happen, and whilst some can be personal blips, others can’t be helped. When you come across a problem, go ahead and take your initiative, there’s nothing more frustrating for a manager to be faced with a heavier workload, especially when it’s something someone else can resolve. Fix any issues you come across, then if you feel like it’s something your manager should be aware of – let them know after.
Should you stay loyal? Whilst being a team player is important, it’s most important to look out for number one – and you need to make the best possible career decisions for yourself. Although loyalty in many companies is rewarded, people are moving roles and offices more often than ever, so sometimes the only choice to move up the ladder is going elsewhere. Consider the opportunities in your company compared to others – quite simply, where are there more jobs? If your current employer seems to have limited roles – why? Weigh up these questions and think about whether it may be better to go elsewhere – even if there is a job going in your current company it may not be the right one, and there’s no doubt your employers are looking at other candidates as well. Remember – don’t be shy, really do your research and see what fashion agencies in Manchester have to offer, you may be surprised where your next move can take you.